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Detect the unexpected

Monitor construction sites and infrastructure for stability and risk

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Construction monitoring

Jobsite safety requires the continuous monitoring of the stability of the work in process and its adjacent structures. Construction-monitoring systems increase awareness of potential risks and support fact-based decision-making, creating peace of mind for the complete project team.

Structural health monitoring

Observe and measure an asset throughout its lifecycle to determine its physical state and performance against design, at any time. This long-term lifespan monitoring can be instrumental in extending the life of your assets.
Promote jobsite safety
Reliable data collection about the health of infrastructure assets
Cost-effective, time-saving autonomous system
With automated deformation monitoring, you can mitigate risk and implement critical safety protocols with a system that costs less than 1% of the project budget.

Market segments

Building structure monitoring

  • Site safety
  • Adjacent structure stability
  • Building structures
  • Foundations
  • Historical sites

Transportation and infrastructure monitoring

  • Tunnels
  • Roads and highways
  • Railways
  • Airports
  • Bridges
  • Pipelines

Environmental and geological monitoring

  • Slope stability
  • Subsidence
  • Volcanoes

Mine and energy monitoring

  • Highwalls
  • Dumps
  • Tailing dams

Reliable technology. Integrated system.

Total station, GNSS, and third-party geotechnical sensors
Command and control
Visualization, reporting, and alerts

Highlight case studies

Grand Paris Express Metro

Monitoring was placed on and around hundreds of structures across Paris before and during underground tunneling work on the largest metro system in Europe. For enhanced safety, even a sub-millimeter deformation will trigger an alarm.

Newcastle Tyne Vehicle Tunnel

Construction of a vehicle tunnel on Newcastle’s heavily trafficked Eastside was one of Britain’s biggest transport projects. Construction monitoring of the existing parallel tunnel provided live deformation data that the operator, surveyor, and contractor could access anywhere in the world.

Getting started with Topcon monitoring

Get in touch with us to learn more about our monitoring solution.


Direct consultation for your project to identify needs and match with technologies available.

System design

Systematic design including performance needs such as accuracy, power sourcing, environmental shielding, data transmission, and timespan of use.


Install sensors and systems to deliver real-time data with visualization, periodical reports, and alerts to the project team.

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