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Flat and level, every time

Scanning solutions to verify floor flatness and levelness

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About the floor flatness and levelness workflow

This integrated QA workflow generates industry-compliant, floor-deviation reports in-house, providing fast, actionable insights that prevent costly delays. The GLS and GTL scanners accelerate data collection and processing for floor-flatness analysis. Combine with Rithm for Naviswork to perform FF/FL QA in minutes, empowering your team to produce ASTM E1155 compliant reports and control the project schedule.
Reduce risk of rework
Increase profitability
Minimize schedule delays

How does it work?

1. Scan wet or dry concrete
2. Process data
3. Run Rithm analysis
4. Generate FF/FL report

“One person can do the conventional topo in half the time. "And we no longer have to spend an extra day for the flatness and floor levelness report."

– Edgar Valenzuela, Field Engineer, TAS Concrete

Workflow benefits

Identify flooring issues while concrete is still workable

The GLS-2200 features a high-power mode optimized for capturing reflective surfaces such as wet concrete. Combine the GLS-2200 with Rithm to identify flooring issues in real time, fix them and reduce costly rework.

Perform FF/FL analyses on survey control

The GLS and GTL and Rithm produce on-control results for every concrete slab analysis. Adding survey control when capturing 3D data eliminates tedious localization setups and significantly increasing QA productivity.

Generate ASTM E1155 compliant reports in less time, at lower cost

Manual floor-flatness-analysis techniques like the Dipstick® require you to wait a day or more to get a single report, and costs thousands. The GLS or GTL instruments with Rithm deliver accurate, industry-compliant FF/FL reports within minutes, far more cost-effectively.

Own your QA workflows

This end-to-end solution simplifies QA workflows so teams can perform the work entirely in-house. Reduce the need for third-party contractors; minimize scheduling problems, and deliver quality work on deadline.

“I’m going home and I am not coming back because I know that this project is perfect. "I am going to sleep well tonight.”

– Tony Mendoza, Owner, M4 Concrete and Drywall

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