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It’s a love connection

MC-Max is all you and your excavator will ever need

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MC-Max has all you’ll ever need, everywhere you’ll need it

Digging a trench alongside an open highway may allow you unobstructed satellite-access needed for GNSS guidance. Excavating an underground parking garage in an urban center may require using robotic total stations for your positioning and machine control needs, if tall buildings and infrastructure make GPS an impossibility. MC-Max makes quick work of switching guidance modes to suit your situation.

This love can no longer wait

MC-Max is everything you need to take you and your excavator to all new levels. Add it to your machine now. You’ll thank yourself every day.

Choose your love language

If you just want an indication of bucket-depth in relation to grade, a 2D solution will provide the guidance you need and the freedom to dig on your terms. On the other hand, if you need to precisely know your grade and where on the site you are positioned, putting MC-Max in 3D automatic-mode will keep you on-grade and tracking the design file without over- or under-excavating.


Excavate how it feels best

MC-Max Excavator let's operators configure their setups to match the needs of the day. Working with Topcon and your local dealer, you’ll be able to check the compatibility and start the tailoring process for your excavator.


Finish at your own pace

MC-Max can simultaneously deliver position and grade guidance. It constantly interacts with available GNSS constellations to track the excavator’s position on the planet, while sensors track the bucket’s relation to the target grade. MC-Max software provides you with the information you need to control the machine, work around structures, or make complex cuts or blind excavations.


MC-Max helps contractors everywhere fall back in love with their Ex(cavator)

Automation helps construction specialists meet challenges in innovative South Florida development project

Florida-based Mitchell & Stark Construction is transforming previously undeveloped acreage into the community of tomorrow using a smaller — yet far more efficient — workforce than ever. And MC-Max is at the heart of the work. Read more about how they fell in love with it.

Tucker Paving extends its already-solid embrace of automation to its excavators

In a construction business environment that increasingly demands speed and efficiency from its players, the onus is on contractors to meet those demands — and they are doing so in a range of new and differing ways. For Florida construction specialist Tucker Paving, already a decade-long proponent of GPS-based machine control, that has meant drawing on that same technology to step up the excavation facet of their game. Long story short, they love MC-Max!

MC-Max makes you operate better. Every time.

Staying connected on the jobsite is more important than ever. And when you're connected to your excavator, even better things happen. Watch below to see how MC-Max brings it all together, so you can focus on what matters most - making the earth move.

“Before we automated the excavators, we had two options for working any area needing a specific slope. We would either need to have it staked or we’d have a GPS-equipped dozer working alongside the excavator, essentially acting as its GPS and ‘cleaning up’ after the larger machine. Well, staking is out of the question for us — since automating, the only stakes you will see on a Tucker job site are layouts for sanitary, storm, water, curb, etc.”

— Ron Hall, site superintendent Tucker Paving

Machine control is your love language

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